Its hard to believe that a movie can be made on GROUP DISCUSSIONS that to way back in early 1950's but this movie does exactly that and does it in style. 12 men are locked in a room to decide the fate of a young boy who is charged with the murder of his own father. For the next two hours all these men do is TALK!!! Yes, the protagonist (Henry Fonda) is the only one out of the 12 who thinks the life of the boy needs a serious discussion and then the movie unfolds when slowly, one by one the 12 men reach a consensus. The characters in the movie have no names, its only in the last frame when two charecters ask each other their names, and thats the beauty of the movie the story line is so gripping that the person watching it gives a damn about the names. The movie does not show any murder scenes, any actual witnesses or any hearing but the the discussion between the 12 men has been crafted in such a way that the viewer is forced to use his imagination which makes him one of the 12 men. Its an old black & white movie but a must watch.
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