1979, Jane Fonda plays an 'eye candy reporter' and Michael Douglous a stubborn cameraman. Both of them go to a nuclear power station to cover a small story. They reach the control room of the plant where photography is prohibited, some very peculiar things happen there, apparently there is some trouble which makes all the employees there desperately terrified. Michal Douglous records it all in his camera. What follows next is the revelation that the plant at that point of time came close to 'the china syndrome' - a term used for nuclear melt down in which the molten fuel will penetrate the floor of the plant, the earth surface and reach CHINA - the other side of the earth.
Its one hell of a thriller, specially the climax. The climax, I bet will make your heart go faster then its ever been and then no matter what you do tears will flood your eyes.
This movie raises the question of nuclear safety and also whether something which needs so much of responsibility should be given to private companies who look towards it as a money making machine.
This is one of the best movies from Michael Douglous if not better then at par with one flew over the cuckoo,s nest..that is how good a movie it is...and in present circumstances it becomes even more relevant WATCH IT!!!!!
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